Saturday, February 16, 2013


Here is a drawing I did of octagons.  I often think about the beautiful grid of the octagon and how, though relatively simple, it looks so intricate because we are not used to seeing it. To me, the octagon (being representational of the spider) symbolizes the divine nature, the web of fate, and female power.  This is why I love incorporating this symbol into my narratives.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


My Grandma was a single mother of four fabulous people, and I always have held her in awe because of this.  This was made in Adobe Illustrator, using a wacom tablet.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


In one of my classes, we were talking about the concept of the nest.  This is a place that you find yourself coming back to over and over because of the familiarity.  Sometimes this is place of safety.  However, sometimes you keep on coming back because you know no other way.  I am lucky that my parent's house is a place I feel safe.  When I think of my nest, I think of walking into the front door and there are my brothers and my mom coming to greet me after we've been separated for a while.

Although this piece is a step forward for me in perspective and background, I struggled with anatomy.  Any pointers?